Wednesday, July 1, 2009


Tonight I decided that no one would get their dessert unless they ate most of their food. Food consisting of - oh my goodness - a veggie, corn. So big J asks me if it is good, what is inside the corn, so many questions as if he has never seen the vegbef ore in his life. I began thinking that he might be considering to give the little pieces of corn a try. Finally after I told him that the corn had salt and butter on it he actually did it, he ate one piece of corn! WOW. Vegetables are toxic you know.

So after eating the pieces of corn one by one, he was about onto his 4th piece and the hubby said he needed to put some on the fork and eat it. I agreed and told him that he needs to quit talking and start eating if he wants his dessert. So the little man looks at me and says "so mom, what do you think you want to do tomorrow?" If this child is not his father! All I could do was laugh, such a little scammer trying to talk his way out of eating his veggies!

At least there is my lil J, he is my good eater. Oh and my little man had his big boy Thomas underwear on for a bit tonight...potty training my be right around the corner.

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